Monday, September 22, 2008

What does it mean?

How do you know the difference between a trial and a call to quit. In recent years I've been more willing to face trials because I have seen first hand how they help develop perseverance in my life. But this time things are harder, much harder.

Is God telling me to give up? I mean, He's the one who put me here in the first place. Did He intend it only for a season? God has still been faithful to meet the most critical of needs as they arise, but the big picture is looking more and more bleak. Maybe this the "big one." You know, that once in a lifetime trial that results in a passion for Christ beyond your wildest imagination.

I can't believe anymore that things just happen. God is the master orchestrator of life. He knew at the creation of the universe that today, September 22 at 11:36 am I would be wrestling with this AND he knew I would be chewing wintermint gum. HE KNOWS. He knows I am struggling with this. He knows I want answers. I know I'll get them...I just don't know when!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah that is the question isn't it. I am sure he will show you and right when it is the right time. The only hard part about that is you have no clue when that will be.