Friday, April 11, 2008

God Speaks

Let me apologize for not writing earlier. Life happens and I lose track of everything. But I just wanted to share something cool that hasn't happened to me before. God spoke to me. Twice, actually. Not in a inspiriational Bible passage, not a Sunday morning special, no gentle inner nudge from the Holy Spirit, nor through a friend. It wasn't out loud, but beyond a shadow of a doubt he spoke words to my mind's ear. It was as if I was replaying what I had previously heard out loud in my head.

What he actually told me will take a lot more back story than I have time to do right now, but I just thought I would share. I will say this--while both times were important and timely, they were neither crisis moments nor times when I was pleading for answers. They were just when HE knew I needed something.

Hopefully this is only the beginning.


Anonymous said...

Well that is awesome. Tell us more when you get a chance.

Tawny said...

Yay Melinda! I LOVE it when God speaks to me. And He always knows just what to say. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back in blog-world. Please continue...I'll be checking back for more on God's voice to you!

Anonymous said...

Rock on my friend! I am proud of you for "listening" ... can't wait to hear more :-)

missjcastor said...

I want to hear!

Anonymous said...

I love when that happens!! It is so wonderful to hear Him speak to us. What a blessing.