"Read Isaiah."
I've shared before about times when I know definitively that God is talking to me. I enjoy hearing other people's moments and I hope you are encouraged by mine.
This time, however, I am ashamed to say it took me a lot longer to pick up. It started about two (maybe even three) months ago. I was sitting on a balcony with friends when one of them casually mentioned how Isaiah was her favorite book of the Bible. The statement seemed significantly more emphatic than the conversation warranted. But, like the foolish human I am, I let the moment go.
"Read Isaiah."
The second time was after a Bible study. People were hanging out, talking, the room was anything but quiet, but suddenly a conversation taking place in the next room became perfectly audible to me. "I'm so glad you mentioned that passage from Isaiah tonight, God has been taking me to that book a lot lately."
"Read Isaiah."
And it continued. Sermons, tangents in Bible studies, random conversations and then of course the Christmas prophecies...Isaiah, Isaiah, Isaiah.
But I wasn't getting it.
Then last night I got into my car. The windshield was a little frosty, but not bad. I tried a little washer fluid hoping it would help and it just froze instantly to the windshield. I could barely see. (And if you think this is random, you're right.) And in that moment, while I was waiting for my car to warm the ice so I could see well enough to drive home...BAM. I'm supposed to read Isaiah. Duh.
Thank you for being persistent in trying to get your message through to me Lord. I'm starting now.